Wednesday 21 February 2018

Yoga poses for Diabetes

\ With the rising number of people being diagnosed with diabetes, it is no wonder scientists are looking for newer methods to treat the disease. One of the cornerstones of controlling one’s blood sugar is regular and holistic exercise. And yoga is one such ancient measure to effectively control your blood sugar levels. But before we discuss in detail about various yoga poses to keep diabetes under control, here’s what you should know about the significance of exercise for diabetics


Bhastrika pranayam : Deep breath in and deep breath out with sound of air while inhaling and exhaling is called bhastrika pranayam.

Kapalbhati pranayam : sit in any comfortable pose like padmasan or vajrasan  : Take a deep breath in and exhale forcefully .Focus on "exhaling". Inhale as normal. Exhale and simultaneously contract the abdomen muscles with each exhalation. start from 15 to 20 reps. and increase the numbers as you get comfortable.

Anulom vilom pranayam :sit in any comfortable pose like padmasan or vajrasan . 

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योग के फायदे / Benefits of yoga in hindi

योग के फायदे शरीर को अलग अलग मुद्राओं में मोड़ना या असंभव लगने वाली क्रियाएं करना ही योग नहीं है। योग में व्यक्ति का मस्तिष्क और शरीर कुछ इ...